How To Prevent Your Business From Being Hacked
Posted: March 30, 2018
A business of any size may be vulnerable to a data breach. Cyber attacks have become a frightening reality for individuals and organizations in recent years. Business owners should do all they can to secure their websites and customer information. If your business stores passwords, credit card numbers, or any form of sensitive client or customer information, be aware that hackers have you in their...
How EPL Insurance Can Save Business Owners From A Legal Let-Down
Posted: February 28, 2018
We live in a litigious society. No matter how carefully you train your employees, over the course of doing business it wouldn't be rare to be facing a lawsuit for discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, violations of the APA, retaliation claims, a liability lawsuit related to fiduciary duty, or other legal threat. You want to be protected against this type of occurrence, and EPL insurance...
Are You Ready For The Next Step?
Posted: February 21, 2018
No one likes to think about what will happen when they are no longer around or able to make important decisions, but if you are a small business owner, then nothing could be more important for the future of your company. Succession planning is the practice of drawing up a plan for what will happen to your business if you pass away, retire, or become...
Congratulations to Agent Bill Dimond on 24 Years of Service!
Posted: April 30, 2015
Bill has been with the Agency for 24 years writing and servicing his commercial book of business and providing valuable mentoring to other agents. Bill began his career interning for Erie Insurance as a commercial underwriter in 1990. By 1991 he had become a licensed agent of the Ron Dunn Agency. He earned his LUTCF (Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow) designation and holds a Property...